Niobrara River at Sunrise from Bryan Bridge


Curious to see what has been happening lately at the MNNRD?

The Middle Niobrara Natural Resources District in Valentine is seeking applicants to fill temporary tree planting positions starting in early April. These positions will have a minimum of 40 hours/week with opportunity for more. Successful applicants will report to the MNNRD office in Valentine on...
With winter setting in we know Spring and warmer weather is on everybody’s mind. Now is the time to order your trees for Spring planting! We are still accepting tree orders and windbreak plantings for this coming spring. We have many different seedlings available including shrubs, hardwoods, and...
We have completed our first big project for the Sandhills Interactive Natural Resources Education Complex (SINREC) with our newly installed irrigation pivot. The Lindsay Corporation donated this 121' fully operational center pivot for us to use in our outdoor interactive training center. Well...
Nitrates A total of 335 wells were sampled in 2020 for nitrate contamination by MNNRD staff. These are a mix of Irrigation, Livestock, and Domestic wells across the 4 counties covered by the MNNRD. CDC/EPA guidance states that nitrate levels above 10 Parts per Million (PPM) are unsafe for humans to...
The MNNRD with the help of JEO Consulting Group are addressing threats to water quality, streambed channelization, aquatic habitat and infrastructure within the Long Pine Creek Watershed (LPCW) by implementing Best Management Practices (BMP) within the LPCW and an In-Stream Structure (SD-14) on Sand...
It is time to start planning for next year’s tree plantings. The MNNRD is now taking tree orders for spring 2021. The district has a listing of various species available and can also take special orders. Order by November 6th to guarantee your species request. Cost share assistance, project design...
The MNNRD is continuing to utilize woody biomass products throughout the district. From its inception in 2014, the MNNRD has created approximately 2,200 tons of wood chips. Taking unwanted trees and turning them into a profitable and desirable resource benefiting Nebraska’s environment and economy...
On September 17th, the MNNRD received 1,750 Colorado blue spruce seedlings from Bessey Nursery that were produced for the 2020 Husker Harvest Days which was cancelled due to Covid-19. A planting day was coordinated and scheduled with the Valentine Middle School on September 29th to plant the...
Since 2015, the MNNRD has seen upwards of 7-10” above average yearly precipitation resulting in ground water levels rising on an average of 5.7 feet district wide. Individual monitoring wells have increased as much as 14.5 feet over this 5-year time frame. Due to these increases, windbreaks within...
The Middle Niobrara NRD (District) and the Department of Natural Resources (Department) have been working on a Voluntary Integrated Management Plan (VIMP) since 2015. Stakeholder meetings were held to take input on the VIMP. On August 13, 2020, the District and the Department came to an agreement on...
The Middle Niobrara Natural Resources District (MNNRD) was awarded funding through a 2019 NACD Technical Assistance (TA) grant through partnership with the National Association of Conservation Districts (NACD) and the U.S. Department opf Agriculture (USDA) Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS...
The Middle Niobrara Natural Resources District (MNNRD) in Cherry County, Valentine, Nebraska was awarded a technical assistance grant from NACD. This is the third year of the NACD technical assistance grant program, which was created with funds from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Natural...
The MNNRD is advertising an RFP in regards to USDA-NRCS Watershed Work Plans in Cherry County, Nebraska on Cherry County Watersheds A, B, and E. If interested in these planning efforts, please click on the following link: RFP If you have any questions, call Zachery Peterson at the MNNRD Office at...
If you would like to sign up to receive a copy of Sand and Soapweed, please contact the MNNRD office. 2019 2016 2015 2014 - Spring, Fall, Year in Review 2013 - Summer, Fall, Winter, Year in Review 2012 - Spring, Summer 2011 - Summer, Fall, Winter 2010 - Summer, Winter
This community driven Q&A published by the NRD focuses on questions regarding water rights and the role of Natural Resource Districts in Nebraska.
On October 18th, the MNNRD played host to the Old West Regional Judging. The contest went smoothly and was a success. Thank you to all the volunteers who helped make this happen.
MNNRD planted & donated 75 ponderosa pines to the Valentine Dog Park & Shelter, Borders Without Boundaries.
Brewer Bridge Landing was cleaned up. It got canoer ready with removing dead limbs off trees, cleaning up bushes, mowing, and fixing tables and benches.
Staff met with absentee landowners and took them on a field day to discuss the Long Pine Creek Watershed Project. This was to provide them with a learning experience and show them some conservation efforts that are happening in the area and different things they could get involved in to help improve...
Trees were cut, stumps and weeds were sprayed, the dam was cleaned, bushes were trimmed and dead tree branches were removed at Valentine Mill Pond to make it safe and more accessible.