Interactive Well Map

The Middle Niobrara NRD collects measurements of the depth to groundwater at nearly 200 strategically chosen wells every spring and fall. These measurements track the changes in our aquifer and effects that irrigation, drought, and heavy rainfall have on them. The NRD has well data dating back to the early 1970’s and continues to add dedicated monitoring wells and new irrigation wells to the sampling list to track changes and new uses. The Middle Niobrara NRD is committed to maintaining groundwater availability for all beneficial uses and this is a great tool to help the Board of Directors and staff to make water management decisions.


Click on the link above to explore the wells we take yearly measurements at across the MNNRD District. The Y Axis has depth to groundwater in feet below the surface, and the X axis shows the date. Numbers decreasing mean a decrease to groundwater levels (further from the surface), and increasing numbers show an increase in groundwater levels (closer to the surface). If you have any questions or concerns, please call the office at 402-376-3241.