SD4 Project Site looking south

LPCW Restoration Phase 3 (SD4)

SD4 Project Site looking north
Pre-Construction Meeting at Phase 3 Project Site

Project Overview

Nebraska Environmental Trust (NET) funds, combined with Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy (NDEE) Section 319, and project sponsors’ monies was used to implement the LPCW Restoration Phase 3 (SD-4) Project of the Long Pine Creek Watershed Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP). This project consists of a self-adjusting rock riprap structure to address stream instability, head cutting, scouring, erosion, excess sedimentation, aquatic habitat loss, and streambank degradation. 

Construction Overview

Contractor: Husker Engineering INC. 

A pre-construction meeting was held the beginning of April 2023, with landowner(s), Husker Engineering, Houston Engineering, and MNNRD. 

Rock riprap hauling began shortly after the pre-construction meeting was held, followed by dirt work, and construction/implementation of the SD4 project. Final walkthrough was held on May 20th, 2023, with Houston Engineering, Husker Engineering, and MNNRD. 

Project detail: Access route improvements to/from the project site, rock riffle structure, and bank stabilization. 



LPCW Phase 3 SD4 Restoration Project - Before Photos

LPCW Phase 3 SD4 Restoration Project - During Construction Photos

LPCW Phase 3 SD4 Restoration Project - Post Construction Photos